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Making out can be a wonderful thing, when done correctly. It's really not as difficult as some people would have you believe, but it's also not as easy as other people would have you believe. In this article, you'll learn how to make out. Good thing to know, hmm? ™

To Make Out, You Must Already be Kissing (Duh)

First, you should already be kissing, or about to kiss. See some of the other articles I've written on how to accomplish this. I would love to give you a link, but I'm not allowed to. Check my profile!

Check Your Breath!

Make sure your breath smells good. Eat a mint, or suck on a hard candy. Be sure to dispose of these before you start making out! Do NOT chew gum. It is a common misconception that chewing gum will make your breath nice. It will, for a brief time, but then after a few minutes, the gum will just make your breath stale and your mouth dry. If you are really concerned about your breath, chew the gum for just a few minutes, so your saliva is working and the sweet sugary taste is in your mouth, then quickly dispose of it. Also, try to avoid strong flavored foods before making out, like garlic, unless of course, the person you're about to kiss has been eating the same foods.

Brush the Teeth?

The best thing you can do, obviously, is brush your teeth. If you have a really important dinner date, it might be worth your while to pack a toothbrush, or leave one in your car. After the meal, excuse yourself to the bathroom for a few minutes, and brush your teeth! Your partner will definitely appreciate this easy step that will ensure your breath is fresh and minty (I prefer mint toothpaste anyway). :)

When your lips meet your partner's, begin kissing in a rhythmic motion. Keep your lips slightly open, and even think about using the tip of your tongue. Stick to one side, to get comfortable with the motion.

The Secret Word

There's a secret word that you can say, to help you practice this motion. I read it once, in a book, and tried it out, and it's really quite amusing and useful. It perfectly mimics the required motion of open lips, darting tongue, and gentle rhythmic motion required for good making out. I reveal this word to you, for free, on my kissing blog. How to Kiss GoodThere's a ton of great information about how to get a first kiss, how to make out, and much more on there. After you finish with this article, go check it out!

While your lips are occupied with your partner's lips, remember to think about what the rest of your body is doing. Use your hands to hold your partner's face and increase the intensity of the kiss. This works for both girls and guys! A great spot to put your hand is on the soft area behind the ear. You can also place your hands on their cheek, or the back of their head. If the kissing gets really passionate, your hands can travel just about anywhere, but for slower, more sensual kissing, keep your hands near their face or neck.

Try to avoid bumping teeth. If you do, just laugh it off, and keep kissing. Don't forget to breathe!

So, now you know how to make out. Good luck!

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