12 Do's and Don'ts for a Successful butt plug india

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In a perfect world, penis size wouldn't be any issue for any man: either all men's equipment would measure the same or else a small penis would not carry with it the negative social and sexual connotations that it does in our world. But for men who truly do have a small penis who feel that their size somehow impedes their partner's enjoyment of sex, there is an option they can utilize: a penis sleeve. ™

About a penis sleeve

Sometimes also called a penis sheath, a penis sleeve is a hollow cylindrical tube that fits over a man's own penis. (Although this article deals with the use of penis sleeves for the man with a small penis, men with endowments of any size may in fact use them.) The added width and length of the sleeve can enable a small penis to function more along the lines of a larger model.

Sometimes a sleeve will physically resemble nothing but a tube. Other times it may be molded to more accurately resemble a real penis, with a flared head, veins, etc. And in other cases, it may feature other attributes, such as a "ribbed" surface.

Although a penis sleeve may be made of several different materials, the most common material is silicone or rubber. This allows for the sleeve to be firm but to have some flexibility. If the sleeve is made of silicone rather than, say, metal, it can generally allow for more "give" when a penis is being inserted into it.

Most sleeves are intended to fit snugly onto the erect penis, so that they don't slip off during vigorous sex or if a man's erection softens during intercourse. Some penis sleeves come with straps which, depending upon their length, are designed either to be wrapped around the balls or to be wrapped around the waist. Sometimes a separate harness can be bought into which a sleeve with no straps can be inserted if the fit is not snug enough.


There are a few things a man may wish to keep in mind when using a penis sleeve.

- If no straps are provided, it's important that the sleeve fits snugly around the erect penis. Finding one that is tight but not too tight may take some trial and error.

- A penis sleeve is not the same thing as a condom; indeed, many sleeves have an opening at both ends, rather than being closed off. A man should put a condom over his erect penis before inserting it into the sleeve in order to be assured of proper protection.

- Lubrication is good. Lubricating the exterior of the sleeve is generally a good idea, as - unlike an actual penis -a penis sleeve does not naturally butt plug india lubricate. Sometimes a man may need to lubricate his penis or the interior of the sleeve as well, if the fit is a bit too tight. However, be careful not to over-lubricate, in order to avoid the sleeve slipping during intercourse. Some men find that soaking the sleeve in warm water before inserting the erect penis helps to stretch it out and make penile insertion easier.

- Be sure to always clean the sleeve after using it. Unless instructions indicate otherwise, warm, soapy water is usually best. And it needs to dry out before being put away.

Using a penis sleeve may be beneficial to a man with a small penis, but it's also important for a penis (of any size) to be kept in its best health - and using a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. The best crèmes will include an extensive array of necessary vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E which combine to help maintain penis health. Also advantageous is a crème that contains L-arginine, an amino acid with neuroprotective properties that can help to prevent loss of penile sensation due to rough handling.

Yeast infections can appear almost anywhere on the skin where it is warm and moist. In men the warm dark and moist area around the groin is what causes yeast infection on the penis. With women, the warmth and moister in the vagina is what causes the infection.

Infection of the butt crack can be a frustrating, painful, and embarrassing to have. It's a fact that what causes the infection of the butt crack is common although infections generally infect the genital region. The reason why this area is what causes the infection holds true for the same reason other parts of the body causes infection. That is because it is in a warm moist portion of the body. Let's say the environment is what the infection thrive on.

The symptoms of yeast infection of the butt are itching, burning, bleeding, and pain while having a bowel movement.

The ideal conditions for the bacteria to grow and multiply are moist darkness that this area provides by the anus. Since it is in close proximity to the genital region it is possible for it to spread to the anus. If you scratch this area during infection the skin can peel and cause more severe infections.

Treatment of Butt Infections:

The methods of treatment for yeast infection in the genital area may be used to treat the anus as well. It must first be understood that these types of infection is caused by the excessive activity of Candida Ablicans in the body. To cure them, the root of the problem must be treated.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs and creams offer temporary relief of the symptoms but do nothing to treat the cause of the infection or to prevent recurrence. Yeast infection will recur and each time with more severity than the last infection.

The fastest, safest, and natural way to treat infections is to follow two steps. First, use natural ingredients from the refrigerator to treat symptoms such as burning, itching and pain. Second is to start an anti-Candida diet. This will work to control the Candida in your body and get rid of yeast infection for good.